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Letter from B.

Dear Ceu´s friends,

I started Ceulabel last year because I wanted to create the change that I want to see in the world. I had the desire to create beauty and to re-create harmony with plants and nature. From the beginning, I didn’t want to participate in the traditional cycle of the clothing industry, but to rewrite the rules on my own terms. That means to create a community that is open and keen to connection and conversations about meaningful consumption, about embracing the spirit of ¨less¨ and about aligning together our values with our actions.

One issue that I have long been uncomfortable with before was being part of a fashion system that had the unique goal of growing at any cost, of taking everything from nature and not giving anything back. So what we´re aiming to address at Ceu today is to bring back that connection with the natural world and reassess our role as humans on this earth. Ceu in my native language means sky. We are under the same sky, and we are interdependent, which means that every action we take affects everything around us in a way.

We want to minimize our carbon footprint as much as we can and that means dyeing everything with plants, use organic fabrics, and producing everything locally. We are far from being perfect, but we’re keen to improve every day. By not using toxic dyes and non-organic textiles we´re not only avoiding any chemicals getting absorbed into anyone’s skin, but we also avoid polluting the rivers, seas, ground, and air. It is a small change with a huge impact.

We also work with local artisans in Barcelona, so we can ensure that every person involved in the production of our garments is fairly compensated and respected for their craft. We want to give back to the community that made us grow and shine from the beginning.

We respect our planet by making these small decisions and we´re holding tightly to our core values of choosing the best quality, natural, and sustainably- sourced fabrics and dyes available.

I´m extremely grateful to have this platform and honest community that is growing nicely every day. Thank you so much for your support throughout this year and for choosing to be

part of this change.

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